
Last Updated:  9/28/2024 5:25:02 AM                      

Registrant Search    (If no search is performed, all records are available below for browsing.)

Search Criteria  (Multiple  Criteria can be entered)

Directions for search
Registrant Type  Leave on if you want all Registrant Types.
Certificate  Enter only the number portion of a certificate, license or permit.
Last Name   Enter any part of the name for which you wish to search.  A search for 'os' will result in 'Osborn' as well as 'Hoskins'
Maiden Name   Works like the Last Name Search.
First Name   Works like the Last Name Search.
Middle Name   Works like the Last Name Search.
City  Works like the Last Name Search.
State  Enter the 2 letter state abbreviation.
Current Only Check this box if you only want registrants with a current Certificate. 
Records per page     

List of Registrants
Total Records:  0    Click on any of the Underlined headings to sort by that column.  Click on the Certificate to see more detail. 
Certificate    First Name   Middle Name   Last Name   Maiden Name   City   State  
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